23 Mar 96 Brussel
The worst thing about this concert is, that after waiting and longing for it a long time, that it is already history now. A colleague video-trader bought a ticket on the black market for 300 Bef (normal price 900 Bef), but on the other hand there was a person selling his ticket for 4000 Bef! After buying a few T-shirts, we (johanVan Ryckeghem and I) entered the arena, and watched Pan Ram, for about 2 minutes. Such a noise! (no, that was an earlier support), much too loud! The hall was packed, and this already during the support act! That was promising for later on! Back to the bar then, for my umpteenth lemonade (driver!) and "encounters" with other fanclubmembers. After a while the bar was getting crowdier, and the hall more empty. Why should that been? :-) At 21:15 the show started; no intro-tape as it used to be, but immediately they switched on the fan: "Fireball" . The first thing that stroke our attention was Big Ian's costume: the same again! I don't have no bonds with fashion-stuff or something like that , but it was striking, and I was not the only one, who noticed it. And Steve Morse, who was clearly amusing himself: he was playing the whole concert with a smile on his face. A short, but strong bass-solo by Roger, who was having a good time too (they all did). Jon also played 2 short soli, and Paicey, well, he drummed fearfully. Gillan did a lot of conga-working, which you did not hear actually, not even when he is - a few songs later - pummelling them with both fists. No, one stroke I heard, when everybody else was quiet. Pity they do the No No No riff only for a short time, why not work it out more? The changed set-up (everybody knows it by now I presume)invited more to more team-work. Ian was everywhere, disappearing on the left behind the scenes to appear on the right side again; he searched all corners on stage. As usual, I was at the front (app. 8th row) in front of Jon's organ, and this time with the advantage that I could see the guitar player much better than before. "Maybe I'm A Leo." 2 Short Morse soli and a Jon Lord-piano. Steve changed guitars for: "Vavoom" The first new song. Those new songs were introduced by a gesture of Gillan's arm. The response from the public was great; According to the newspaper reviews there was a population between 10.000 and 14.000 people. Last time in Gent, cum Satriani: only 4.000. This lot thanks to the CD? After this song the guitarist and the singer touched each other "full of love". Who could have ever expect this within Deep Purple?! "Pictures Of Home". Announced as "a song, about emptiness, eagles and the dandruff on Roger's jacket". The songs were a concentration of short soli by Jon and Steve; the way I like it, but I prefer longer ones. Also the excellent duels between Steve and Jon could last longer for my taste, but these are only small cavilling. In between, I think he heard me writing it: Ian changed his waistcoat for a Purpendicular-t-shirt. "Black Night". (in some reviews written as "Black Knight", the papers made a lot of mistakes: "Hey Sister; No one Can"...) The crowd went wild. The first long solo of the new guitar player was well tasted. No one in the public (this time not mainly elder people) shouted for Ritchie. Steve's fits considerable better in Purple than Satriani did. After the show no one was talking about Joe. He tried and tried, but Paice can't break his drum kit: the only drummer who needs no drumsolo to prove himself. after the song, everybody on stage was congratulating each other. Well earned! Then "a song about Roger's ex-girlfriends. I'm Not Your Lover". A quiet start à la Speed King, with a modest Steve-solo, Jon was clearly enjoying it, and was clapping his hands. "Sometimes I Feel Like Screaming." Ian fluffed his announcement (can't remember what, because I can't read my own handwriting anymore). In the mean time they brought on 2 acoustic guitars for Steve and Roger, they did also the backing vocals from time to time. From where I stood, you could take a superb picture of them: with Steve's face shining in Roger's guitar. During the guitarsolo Steve played a very small piece à la Satriani. "Smoke On The Water". Oh no, not yet. As a startling Deep Purple fan (since 1972) I still confuse the start accords of both songs (but I must admit that I am in good company: a certain Mr. Blackmore sometimes makes the same mistake :-) "Woman From Tokyo" Very swell, with Ian on his best during the quiet part. "Bloodsucker". It was nice to hear that song performed live (you feel younger). The "new-old" songs are living things up. The usual live-songs - like my fave: Lazy (but without the drumsolo, please) were not missed that bad. "Purpendicular Waltz". Better than I've heard on different bootlegs. "No One Came". Good; with that stroboscopic effect. "Rosa's Cantina". Again much response, but still not a favourite of mine. Then "Smoke" it was. The only moment I did miss Ritchie. No one can play that riff like he does. But at last this song is not on the place of honour anymore (as final encore). I find this song very over estimated anyway. They could have dropped this one and replace it with another oldie. But I'm afraid not many would agree with me. the changed Lord solo got a very huge applause. Steve took over the torch (Flemish expression, I don't know if this is an English one too) with an impressive solo, a bit like David Gilmour, as a run into the highlight of the evening: "When A Blind man Cries". Gillan in fine form, just formi-fucking-dable. He was given a teddy bear by someone in the audience (I don't know if one does that elsewhere, but it is customed here in Flanders, where they do that with some Flemish schlager singers, or with boysbands), and he "shall wear it always". "Somebody stole My Guitar". Again Gillan fluffed something, much to the amusement of his colleagues. Also one of the better songs that evening. The he had problems with his "lower-back" and asked JL to investigate this. "Speed King". With another blinder duet between the Lord Of The Hammond and Steve, but much too short for my taste. But it was GREAT!! The first part ended at 23:04 After a very short break, not even 2 minutes: full speed ahead with Perfect Strangers" with only a short intro. The first "takada takada" was played not so good by Steve, he could not find the right rhythm, the second time was OK. After a guitar change and a "scatman" Gillan: Hey Sisco". Also one of the highlights. "Aaand Fiiiiinally Highway Star!" Fantastic introduced by Morse. It was a bit strange to hear this at the end of the act. One expects the show to start. With the final scream of Ian it ended at 23:27. Everybody was very satisfied. Some told me this one was better than Rotterdam. We wanted to remain talking in the arena, but were kicked out by the security. We've met sympa Tim and his colleague of the new starting German fanclub; to recruite new members, with a welcome -lottery. The price a signed Purpendicular CD. The set was very fresh and cheerful. But I fear that if you have heard 1 concert, you'll have heard them all (I do hope that I am wrong!) It was due (or thanks) to Ritchie's capriousiness that no concert was the same. Gillan was very "well-voiced". I've seen him cough only twice; in 1993 it happened all the time. It stroke me that it was not typical hard rock no more, but who cares? In spite of the big crowd, I had space enough to watch and listen to the show at ease. In the pub afterwards (lemonade!), we did miss Ritchie though: they played a 1993 tape (Anya!). Steve is a very very good guitarist, but he can't beat the feeling and personality of Ritchie. (No one can, Blackmore is and stays Blackmore). On the way back home, my car stereo played Rainbow Helsinki 30.09.95. And there it was again: that feeling that we missed him anyway; but not during the concert (except for Smoke). The whole point is, in spite of my small remarks: it was a very good concert indeed! I can't wait to get the videotape of this one. They did not play that loud, my ears did not "tuuuut" afterwards. Ze points of ze Belgian jury: Deep Purple - Rainbow: still 1 - 1 (with a small advantage for Rainbow at the Düsseldorf gig, but he lost that in Brussels last year.